Pro Refrigeration NT LLC

Replaced Evaporator Fan Motor

On 11/28/2022 Checked walk-in cooler. Found that the coil was ice up. Also had one bad evaporator fan motor. Powered unit down and removed ice with hot water. Acquired motor. Replaced motor. While melting ice on the coil found that the drain was not draining due to the drain line was ran uphill. Fixed drain […]

Added a Down Spout Extension for UV Protection

On 11/23/2022 we added a down spout extension for UV protection on rooftop piping in Saginaw Texas. Near Bailey Boswell Rd Saginaw, Texas 76179 Check out the Areas We Serve and jobs we are doing by clicking [spacer]

Cleaned Coils for Preventative Maintenance

On 11/22/2022 Checked equipment. Customer wanted a PM done on all refrigeration equipment. Cleaned coils in all self contains. Cleaned coil in walk in cooler with water. Had to repair drain line for walk in cooler. Adjusted thermostat on self-contain prep table because customer said that it was too cold making ice on the product […]

Replaced Defrost Clock and Checked Operation

On 11/18/2022 Checked walk in cooler. Customer said cooler was down for 3 days straight. Checked to see if Freon was low which it wasn’t. Checked defrost clock. Clock was hard to turn indicating that it was stuck in defrost. Replaced clock. Checked operation. Defrost clock was not part of the coil repair. Non warranty […]

Repaired Freon Leak on Suction Line

On 11/16/2022 Checked walk in freezer. Found oil all over the condenser indicating a Freon leak. Took unit apart and conducted a leak check. Found leak on suction line quick connect. Tried to tighten the connect but it was still leaking. Pumped system down. Cut out both liquid and suction line quick connect and replaced […]

Repaired Unit with Coils Heavily Iced Up

On 11/14/2022 Checked walk-in cooler. Found that out he of the coils was heavily iced up. Removed ice with hot water to find that the drains were stopped up which caused the coils to freezer over. Cut both drain lines and found sludge in the lines. Ran water into drain lines until water came out […]

Repaired Incomplete Install on a New Hoshi Ice Maker

On 11/11/2022 Customer was having some issues with an incomplete install on a new Hoshi ice maker. The bin switch was not installed and there was an unneeded crossmember blocking the switch from being put into place. With some help from the super on site we lifted the machine just high enough to remove the […]

Added Fan Cycle Switch for Proper Function

On 11/07/2022 Unit was showing very low head pressure at low ambient temps. I topped the system off and did a leak check. I found no leaks but I did notice that there is no fan cycle switch on this dual fan system. When I disconnected power to one of the fans the pressures leveled […]

Drain Line Clogged on True Bar Cooler

On 11/04/2022 Checked True bar cooler. Found that the drain line was clogged. Blew drain out with CO2. Also suggested that both door gaskets need to be replaced in Addison Texas. Near Midway Rd Addison Texas 75001 Check out the Areas We Serve and jobs we are doing by clicking [spacer]