Ice Machine Cleaning Schedule
Ice Machine Cleaning Schedule; Most manufacturers recommend at least once a year descaling and sanitizing. However; that is based upon ideal water conditions. If you do not have adequate water filtration to remove calcium and other contamination the machine will begin to show signs of production loss within the first month. If left unattended for […]
Routine Checks to Protect Refrigerant Lines
Routine Checks to Protect Refrigerant Lines is very important. Lack of insulation and covering leads to efficiency loss and damaged pipes. A compressed line lowers pressure on compressor side and raises pressure on equipment side causing warmer temperatures in the space and warmer product temps. The unit now has to work harder to maintain the […]
Cleaning AC Units
In the Heart of Texas the weather can be harsh on your equipment. If not vigilante Cleaning AC Units nature will try to take back the space it once had. Keeping your system clean helps it to run more efficiently. There is more to maintenance than just spraying it down with a water hose. Professional […]